Category: Blurred Genre 2024 Issue

  • Mother Tree

    by Tamara J Madison                                                                                             …while navigating the abyss of bondage,                                                                                          Green gathered his remaining tenderness,                                                                                    offered himself to Cassandra, who agreed and                                                                            together conjuring freedom with their last breaths,                                                                  Green and Cassandra                                                                         begat                                    Lancaster,                               Lyddie,                               Paulina,                               Jennie and       Malinda, who submitted to Owen, who       “owned” her, did as he pleased,       such is the privilege of thralldom;                                                                  Owen and Malinda                                                                       begat                                                                                                                             Mary and                                                                                                Nancy…

  • Fresh Air

    by Sullivan Summer Sullivan Summer is a Black, domestic, transracial adoptee raised in rural New England by white, adoptive parents. Her writing focuses on themes of race, adoption, identity reclamation, US history, politics, and pop culture. Sullivan is an alumnus of the Brooklyn Poets Mentorship Program, Tin House Summer Workshop, and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.…

  • Memory House

    by Tre Harris I start early because the early worm gets the dirt. The air is stale, like expired Top Ramen, dry and seasoned with golden dust. At dawn, I find myself waking up in front of the house that holds my memories. Memories upon memories. The house is fleshy and pink and filled with…

  • Discarded Sermon 5

    by Benjamin Bellas Benjamin Bellas currently lives in Miami, Florida. His work is forthcoming or has been featured in Hunger Mountain, Jet Fuel Review, Sinking City, The Nelligan Review, Bellingham Review, The Broadkill Review, Qu Literary Magazine, Fives: A Companion to Denver Quarterly, The Pinch, Cadillac Cicatrix, and Drain magazine, among others.

  • Splintered I Wait

    by Ashwini Bhasi Transcript of ‘Splintered I Wait’ with ADAMTS4 Sequencedarianmy right jaw joint bones / have eroded like two stones                                        rubbing on each other / grinding down pain / into pebbles for me to swallow / blaming each other for the misery /                                                                           silent and splintering they wait.             splintered, i wait too / questioning the reality…

  • Choose

    by David Wanczyk David Wanczyk is the author of Beep: Inside the Unseen World of Baseball for the Blind (Swallow Press, 2018). His essays and poems have appeared in Slate, Salon, Boston Globe Magazine, Lake Effect, Pank, JMWW, and elsewhere. He teaches at Ohio University and is the editor of New Ohio Review.