Cover art — The 14 Gauge Traditional Revolt, by Brett Stout
My Beard
Eric Braun
Dream of the Progenitors
Louis Cancelmi
What Dad Says
Amy Kinner
Prairie Fugue
Gabrielle Hovendon
Shooting Shirley Zabka
Hunter Choate
Catch What You Can
Maurice Carlos Ruffin
Caitlin Levison McGuire
Experiments in Sponge Cake
Jonathon Irpino
What if You Are Wrong
Marion Wink
Methods of Anonymity
Eric Tran
Craig Sullender
The Nude as Champagne Swallow
Lauren Hilger
It’s Spring and My Father is Driving a Blade
Elizabeth Breen
North Country Song
John Abbot
My Mother, Made of Air
Ronda Broatch
Upon whose mouth will what we need be placed
Adam Million
Voyage to Goldilocks Planet
Erin Hoover
Jenny Sadre-Orafai
Lament at Gettysburg
Matt Morton
I Get This Once a Week
Kate Magnolia Glasgow
Old Creation
Emily Hylton
Elegy for What Adapts
Regina DiPerna
Woman by a Light
Brett Taylor
What Hides Behind the Minutes
Andrew Robertson
Old Woman
Andrew Robertson
Andrew Robertson
Giant Gestalt Squid
Ansel Oommen