by Leanna Petronella & Jen Julian

Jen Julian is a writer, illustrator, and transient North Carolinian. She holds a PhD in creative writing from the University of Missouri, Columbia, and an MFA in fiction from UNC Greensboro. Her debut short story collection, Earthly Delights and Other Apocalypses, was the winner of Press 53’s 2018 Fiction Prize. Her recent work has appeared in HOOT Review, Wigleaf, Milk Candy Review, X-R-A-Y, Okay Donkey, SmokeLong Quarterly, Jellyfish Review, JuxtaProse, and TriQuarterly, among other places. See more of her art at
Leanna Petronella holds a PhD in English and creative writing from the University of Missouri and an MFA from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas. Her debut poetry collection, The Imaginary Age, won the 2018 Pleiades Press Editors Prize. Her poetry has appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Third Coast, Birmingham Poetry Review, CutBank, Quarterly West, ElevenEleven, and other publications. She lives in Austin, Texas. Learn more about her work at